"I went to Omaha last weekend, you know, to help with the flood efforts, sandbagging and stuff.....we ended up partying really hard. I was like guys, c'mon, we gotta focus....the sandbagging."
Side note #1: too soon for flood jokes? As somebody whose family's basement was destroyed in 1997, I feel I'm entitled. Though it was creepy driving through a bunch of sandbagged areas, as water lapped against the side of the bridge. Definite flashbacks. Good luck, Omaha.
Side note #2: wearing Gangel's tank top seemed like a fun idea at first, and while I thoroughly enjoyed the cool breeze keeping me somewhat comfortable on a scorching hot day....the tan lines. Good lord. Now it looks like I have a wife-beater permanently impressed on my body. Definitely soured my tank top experience.
Side note #3: there is a dude who plays in our basketball league here in Lawrence that we call 'Middle School T.Nels' because of his resemblance to our friend at that age. But then I randomly saw this kid while tailgating on Saturday.....
.....and knew I had get a picture of him. I'd say this is T.Nels around the age of 15 or 16. So with me coming into contact with not one, but two of his doppelgangers in the last year or so, I'm starting to think that maybe T.Nels went the Voldemort route, and he's split himself up into 7 horocruxes and scattered them around the country. Either that, or he's just an especially generic-looking dude.
Side note #4: the joke I'm stealing from Swardson talks about going to Tijuana and building churches. By the by, I would put Swardson's CD 'Party' up against almost any standup album from this decade. And this is coming from a guy who woke up to Dane Cook on his alarm clock for about 9 months or so. Just go buy the Swardson album. Have I ever steered you wrong?
Side note #5: I don't know if this is the true definition of irony, or Alanis Morissette's incorrect definition of it, but I found it humorous that while driving back from Omaha and listening to Dave Chappelle's standup on my ipod, at the EXACT moment that he was doing his bit about dealing with cops, I got pulled over. It was less humorous after I received my $123 ticket, however. "Dave, Dave. It's the goddamn cops." Chappelle's white person impression is the best.