Friday, June 17, 2011

An Enjoyable Song And Some Random Internet Stuff

I heard this song a couple weeks ago now, and it's been a staple of my morning routine ever since. If this song doesn't make you want to belly up next to your best mate and enthusiastically slam your pints of beer together in a celebratory're a better man than I.

I'll understand if you don't like it though; soccer hooligan music isn't for everybody. Some reactions I've had upon playing this song:

"What is this?"

"What the fuck is this?"

"I'm getting out of here, I can't handle Jim's music selection right now."

Anyways, hopefully you enjoy the song as much as I do.

Some other links for your Friday enjoyment:

I really wish I had the technology available back in the day to make a video like this for some of Bergman's legendary drunken voicemails. Can you imagine what we could've done with the two-part, 37-minute, let's forget the 5-year waiting period and send this straight to the Drunken Voicemail Hall of Fame gem he left in our dorm room during Freshman year? Could've been pretty decent. "But what she doesn't that it's not about taking a shower with another's just all about gettin' clean." Classic.

I also enjoyed this very much, apparently this dude makes all kinds of top 100 movie lists; this one is his top 100 movie insults of all time. Very NSFW- unless it's acceptable at your job to say things like "I used to fuck guys like you in prison" or "I don't like your jerkoff name. I don't like your jerkoff face, I don't like your jerkoff behavior, and I don't like you....jerkoff. " I don't want to presume what your workplace conditions are like.

Happy Friday. I'm goin' to the College World Series tonight, reuniting the 2010 dream team of myself, Gangel, Myshawn, and Addy. We're gonna get drunk. (And ignore any possible flood ramifications. I figure I've got enough flood karma built up from 1997; I refuse to believe that this flood is going to negatively affect our weekend.)