Despite the fact that they are now white rappers in their MID-FORTIES (holy shit how old are we getting??????) the Beastie Boys are still awesome. One of the music groups that influenced me the most during my formative years.
The clean version of their new album leaked a few weeks ago, so they just said fuck it and put the whole thing on the internet the other day, and it's fantastic.
I'm usually good for purchasing one CD a year. Last year I went over my quota and bought two (Vampire Weekend and Aziz Ansari-- which is a comedy CD, so technically I still only made one musical purchase in 2010.) So I suppose the Hot Sauce Committee pt. 2 can be my CD for 2011.
Top 10 favorite Beastie Boys songs (a top 5 just doesn't do them justice):
10. She's On It
9. Sabotage
8. Girls
7. Intergalactic
6. Sure Shot
5. Root Down
4. Cooky Puss
3. Ch-check It Out
2. So What'cha Want
1. Shake Your Rump
Lately I've been getting some crap for not posting as often, which is probably warranted. I could blame it on the fact that sometimes the creativity level ebbs and flows; or that the weather is nice now, so there's golf and softball and other outside activities ("activites" meaning sitting outside and drinking) or a myriad of other reasons....but the main culprit is that I found a guy who has put every episode of The Wonder Years on youtube, and that takes up most of my internet time these days. I owe it to myself to make that internet priority #1; I can't in good conscience pass that up. What an unbelievable show. I'm halfway through season 2, and I've almost teared up on five separate occasions already. Sorry for partying.