>> 6 years ago today, the Red Sox beat the Yankees in game 7 of the 2004 ALCS, otherwise known as the Greatest Day of My Life Up To That Point. I have had a little mini-celebration on this date every year since. Normally, I'd get crush jobbed and re-watch the game on DVD, but I'm on a mini-break from drinking after last weekend, when I inexplicably decided to turn the clock back to 2002 by getting so shitfaced on Friday night that I puked Saturday morning, and then turning around Saturday night and getting so bombed I passed out, mid-sentence, on top of my roommate's covers for five hours (she's a good sport.) Both of those instances hadn't occurred in years. Yikes. So my celebration tonight will be a sober one. If the Rangers want to give me an anniversary present today, they know what to do.
>> Who all has seen Social Network? Is it actually good? I shook my head in mild disgust when I first saw the preview for it, but every single review I've read has said that it's superb. Can anyone confirm that?
>> Internet time-killer of the day:
>> Argument that needs to be settled of the day. J-Woww from Jersey Shore: Hot or not? I say unquestionably yes, in the "trashy, strip-club employed, 20% chance she's actually a dude" kind of way. I think if her boob job was at least one size smaller, and she toned it down with the whole kicking girls' asses thing, she'd be a regular crush job. But I'll listen to arguments.