*Not a typo, it was pronounced to rhyme with Ramen, as in Ramen noodles. Have to ask Jimmy Sang about that one.
I have never, ever ever ever, heard the name Hamz used in real life, besides myself. While I thought it was an incredibly cool nickname in 1992, it's absolutely horrid now- which makes its inclusion in a 2010 video game so bizarre. So now my world is rocked. Is Hamz a common nickname? I feel like Milhouse in that Simpsons episode where he meets the kid from Shelbyville also named Milhouse. "I thought I was the only one?"...."A pain I know all too well!"

>> I don't go out on Halloween anymore. I'm not a big 'wearing a costume at the bar' guy, and at this point would rather sit at home watching scary movies, yada yada yada I've written about it before and won't belabor the point. But, if I was going out this year, I'd definitely be going as the Old Spice Guy. It's quick, easy, you get to pop your shirt off and blast your nips, and I think it's pretty original (although I haven't talked to anyone about their costume so who knows, maybe it's gonna be big this year.) So I pass this idea along to anyone who wants to use it. I think it would be a hit. Just remember to be carrying a bottle of Old Spice body wash, that's what really ties the outfit together.