>> Does anybody remember the show Parker Lewis Can't Lose? I've been youtubing episodes on my lunch break the last few days, and it is still awesome. But it's a little bit creepy, since I literally haven't seen an episode since it went off the air in 1993 (c'mon, let's get some re-runs on the air! TBS, I'm looking in your direction) so the deja vu that sets in while I'm watching it is really tripping my balls off.
>> Some good Icings from the last week or so:
During softball, Jud hit a walk-off (inside-the-park) homer, and as we piled onto the field to celebrate, we presented him with a "Walk-off Ice, bro!" In a shocking display of immaturity (especially coming from someone who hands out Ices like adults hand out candy on Halloween) Jud threw the bottle about 20 yards and it shattered on the ground. So then we made him drink two, and really, he's lucky it wasn't more than that. Remember, kids: it's a gentlemen's game.
That same day at softball, Lane iced our umpire by telling him to check out the printed-on signature in the palm of his glove, when there was an Ice tucked inside. As we yelled "Ohhh shit, Rawlings Ice, bro!" the umpire chuckled, but politely declined, since his boss was watching our diamond at the time. Whoops. Sorry, bro.
Jefferson's had its annual wing-eating contest last week, and Lane (2007 and 2008 champ) was going for his third title. After eating 30 wings in five minutes and successfully reclaiming the throne after missing the contest in 2009, Lane was accepting his applause and posing for pictures when I iced him. However, later that night I got iced two seperate times (my friends love to pick on me; I've probably been iced almost as much as everyone else put together) in what we're calling the "Morgan Freeman Ice." Referencing this video, yes I'm linking to it again, it's hilarious. "Ohhhh no! Morgan Freeman, we iced you twice!"
>> To everyone who I told that the new Robert Randolph & the Family Band CD sucked, please disregard that. It was a snap judgment after only listening to it once. I've since listened to it numerous times, and while it's not the typical rollicking Big Show Bob I know and love, it definitely doesn't "suck." And it brings up an interesting phenomenon with me: every single time I listen to an album for the first time, I either dislike it, or feel indifferent towards it.
Por ejemplo, when I bought the Vampire Weekend CD a couple months ago, I rolled through it once quickly and thought "Meh. It's OK, I guess, but their first album was way better." Now I think it's my favorite album of the last five years. The weird thing is this never applies to individual songs, only entire albums. The first time I heard 'Hey Soul Sister' by Train last summer, it made me fall in love with every single woman I laid eyes on for the next three weeks. Once I heard it while sitting at stop light downtown, and I almost got out of my car to go make out with the hippie sitting on the corner selling hemp bracelets and looking like she hadn't showered since 2002. So needless to say, I can totally enjoy an individual song the first time I hear it....just not entire albums. Does this make sense? Am I just being totally weird here? Does this happen to anyone else?