>> I haven't really gotten into the whole Twitter craze yet, although I've restrained myself from ripping on it at every opportunity (finally learning the lesson that maybe I shouldn't mercilessly bash things that I have a 80% chance of joining, four years after it's popular.) I feel like Twitter is a decent idea in the right hands; I read a few different celeb 'tweets' when I'm bored on the interwebs, and they're sometimes good for a few chuckles- I died laughing when Shaq pwned Oprah on her first twitter experience:
Shaq's reply: yo oprah, ur caps r on, btw
Can you picture Shaq's face as he types that response? I can. It's pretty awesome.
Anyway, I heard the other day that the incomparable NPH (Neil Patrick Harris to the layperson) had joined Twitter, and it's hilarious. He immediately started a running gag where he talks about how the 140 character limit is tough to get used to, and 'accidentally' cuts himself off (I'll refrain from putting up some samples, just click the link and read it. Start from the bottom of the page. It won't take long, he's got less than a week under his Twitter belt.)
And that's what Twitter should be about. Don't take yourself so seriously, just make me giggle. I don't care how bad traffic is on the way to the gym, or how there is currently a totally annoying person on the rowing machine next to you at the gym, or how you can't wait to watch some Entourage when you get home from the gym. Just jokes.
>> I hope everyone is watching The League (Thursday nights on FX, 10:30/9:30 central.) I've developed a bad rap in some circles (cough, Stephanie, cough) of only liking TV shows, movies, books, etc. that I find myself, and not the ones that are recommended to me. So I would like to take this opportunity to point out that I didn't start catching up on this show on Hulu until I received the recco from Jon-Jon. So there's that.
Also, I feel like this show has the potential to become sort of a Sex and the City for dudes, in the respect that every guy in his mid-20's to late-30's will compare the characters on the show to his own friend group (we're already guilty of this.) Give it a few months, and we'll be sitting around bullshitting with each other like chicks.......
"That is such a Ruxin thing to say!"
"OMG, you're such a Kevin it's redonk!"
"No way, I'm totally Andre and you know it! You're the Kevin, you slut!"
And so on.
>> Tomorrow morning I'm on my way back up to the Great White North for Thanksgiving. I'm excited for some good home-cooking and some good home-boozing. Everybody have a happy holiday, let's keep it real while keepin' it safe.
And I just realized that if I named my imaginary son Neil Patrick Hammen, I could call him NPH. Legend....wait for it.....dary!