Who won the American League MVP award in 1987?
(after receiving our answer:)
When was 1987 American League MVP George Bell born?
Where was 1987 American League MVP George Bell born on October 21, 1959?
What spot in the lineup did 1987 American League MVP George Bell, born October 21, 1959 in the Dominican Republic, hit?
What jersey number did 1987 American League MVP George Bell, born October 21, 1959 in the Dominican Republic, hitting in the 2 hole, wear?
What teams did 1987 American League MVP George Bell, born October 21, 1959 in the Dominican Republic, hitting in the 2 hole and wearing #11, play for?
...until eventually CHA CHA sends me an automated message telling me that my texts are no longer being accepted. It's fun for the whole family. Or more accurately, it's fun for Lane and I, while Skye shakes her head in disappointment and Finn sleeps peacefully, blissfully ignorant of the fact that he'll reach his father's maturity level before he gets to middle school.

It's just a coincidence that the last two pictures I've put up feature jheri curls. An awesome coincidence, but a coincidence nonetheless.
>> Here's when you know you love a band: when you attend one of their shows, they only play one of your top 5 favorite songs, and it's still a FANTASTIC set. The band in question: Robert Randolph & the Family Band, at the Crossroads in Kansas City. (Side note: Gangel, I don't know if you came up with calling Robert Randolph 'Big Show Bob' or if you got it from somewhere else- but I love it, and I'm gonna start using it.) Also, Big Show Bob may have officially cracked my top 5 'dudes I would do for a million dollars' list. But that's neither here nor there.
>> I vaguely remember the book 'Where the Wild Things Are' from when I was a youngster, but here's what I know now: those friggin' imaginary animals look terrifying. Every time the movie preview comes on TV, I end up in the fetal position, desperately clutching a pillow over my eyes on the couch. That movie needs an NC-17 rating, or I don't know what we have a movie rating system for in the first place.
>> I want to put this out here now, before Bill Simmons makes the exact same comparison and makes it look like I copied him (an ongoing issue for me; this would not be the first time this happened): Aroldis Chapman, that Cuban pitcher who just defected and is supposed to make Dice-K money this offseason (note to major league teams out there: don't do it! Dice-K and his lack of facial expressions, even after he just got done throwing his 91st pitch in the 4th inning, is NOT WORTH IT!) Anyway, this Chapman fellow totally looks like Kevin Durant doing an impression of Dontrielle Willis' wind-up. Fo' serious.
>> Twins/Tigers game yesterday, simply put: one of the best baseball games I've ever watched. Now your boys need to TAKE OUT THE YANKEES. Make it happen, cap'n. Let's see some more Metrodome Magic.