My Super Bowl pick:
Patriots 30, Giants 13
Throw your picks in the comment section. Winner just may receive their very own tribute blog!
I wouldn't say that I dislike Tom Brady, per se, he's not a bad dude, and he's certainly cooler than Peyton Manning or Philip Rivers. That said, when I google him, and out of the first 20 pictures that come up, there is only one game-action shot (this is an NFL quarterback, remember!!!), but there are 12 pictures of him looking either A) whipped, B) metrosexual, or C) really gay.....I'll just say that I'm glad he's not my boy. Kinda like Brady wishes the son he had after Bridget Moynahan pulled the goalie on him wasn't his boy. Whoooaaaaa Ba-zing!
But maybe I shouldn't talk, since my QB Vince Young sucks at things like "reading a defense" and "throwing." And I probably shouldn't talk since there is a decent chance I am the result of my mom pulling the goalie on my dad. Just kidding...hopefully.
Happy Super Bowl weekend.