I take solace in the fact that they had to play unconscious and KU had to play like garbage for them to win. That makes me excited for the rematch in Lawrence. I love how the fans stormed the court, too. Awesome job, K-State, you beat KU AT HOME for the first time since 1983. Why don't you jump up on the scorer's table like you just won the champ--oh, OK, you're already up there. Good, good. Now jersey pop it, yeah!!!!! Jeeeeeesus. That's why I hate K-State. Their whole season revolves around beating KU. Grow up and act like you play in a major conference.

"Yo, check out this outlet pass I'm throwin' to my boy B-Easy right here. Look at that form, that shit is textbook, homie......nahhhhhh I'm just playin', dawg. Shiiiiit, I don't ever be passin' the ball. You know I got jokes. That's actually a half-court shot that slipped out my hands, yo. Muh' fuckas be leavin' me open out there, then muh' fuckas be gettin' a half-courter in their mug. Actin' like y'all don't know 'bout Bill Walker! Y'all on some BULLshit. Don't trip."
Yeah, I know that this whole post so far is just the ramblings of a sore loser. I am actually glad that KU lost a game; they need that in the long run. And I am glad that there is an actual rivalry based on both teams being good now, not based on a lack of distance between the schools.
Johan going to the Mets was, all things considered, my best-case scenario. It would've been sweet for the Sox to get him, but only if they were giving up a package including Coco and/or Lester. Anything involving Ellsbury wasn't worth it. And also, I can't even comprehend how good the Sox would've been. As it stands now, they are ridicously good, but the Tigers worry me, and the Yankees will probably worry me until I die. If you put Santana on the Sox, they are one of the best teams in major league history, and it would've taken some of the suspense out of this year. Another bonus is he didn't go to the Yanks, and yet another bonus is he went to an NL team. I would like to see the huge gap in talent between the two leagues balance out a bit, and this is a good start. It's no fun when the 5 best teams in the major leagues are all in the AL. Although I gotta say, this is a questionable trade for the Twins. I'm not gonna pretend to know anything about the Mets' farm system, but it appears that the offers from both the Yanks and the Sox were much better than the Mets' offer. Just sayin'.
Bad news for Jacque Vaughn fans like myself, if there are indeed any more out there: Damon Stoudamire is probably signing with the Spurs, which will surely end his time there, or at least his regular minutes. As much as I love him, he's probably hung around the NBA much longer than a player with his skill level should have. Oh well. It was a good run.
One more reason why I LOVE being alive in the year 2008: I have had an ipod for a couple years now, but never really looked in-depth into the itunes store. I just kind of assumed it was a rip-off. Well, last night I discovered that they have the One Shining Moment video for every year it was made (all the way back to 1987) in their inventory. After a couple minutes deliberation regarding what year I should buy first, I said fuck it and bought every year. I paid $25 bucks for the whole thing, but the goosebumps are included for no extra charge. Schne, not trying to make you feel bad, but this is a slight upgrade from your home-made VHS montage. God bless America.