I've been rediscovering a couple of blasts from my past recently. The first: the old Shaq Diesel CD. I'm just gonna say it, "I Know I Got Skillz" is a fantastic song. The beat is great, and Shaq's rapping is hilarious. Two thumbs up.
The second: Tecmo Super Bowl for the Sega. Ummm, it's a little easier than I remember it. Through six games, Ricky Watters has 4,535 yards and 46 touchdowns. So, needless to say, I'm going to go ahead and finish this season, just to see how obscene the numbers are at the end. This is more popularly known as "Cory Solem-ing" a season. That kid was unreal. We'd be like 11 years old, we'd go over to his place on a gorgeous summer day, and he'd be downstairs with the shades drawn, playing RBI baseball and beating the Brewers like 57-2 in the 6th inning, and he wouldn't pause his game to go outside and play. "Just lemme finish, Frank Thomas has 26 RBIs already this game and he's coming up with the bases loaded!"
I'm gonna finish with one of my all-time pet peeves: telling you about the dream I had last night. Normally I hate when people do this, because everyone's dreams are always 'SOOOOO crazy', but they just get lost in the translation, and you sit there with a stupid look on your face and you just want to yell, "Get to the mother fucking point!" But I'm gonna tell you anyway.
Last night I dreamt that Danny and I were driving in circles around KC, and we picked up a hitchhiker, who just happened to be Clyde Drexler. We continued to drive around I-435 for hours, talking to Clyde the Glide, and somewhere along the way we decided he was kind of a dork, and threw him out of the car and drove home, only to find that he somehow beat us there and had already moved his stuff into the spare room. It was one of those crazy real dreams, where you wake up and your first thought is related to whatever you dreamt about the night before. This is awesome when you dreamt that you were banging Sophia Bush or something, and you wake up with a gigantic smile on your face until reality sets in. But today, when I woke up, my first thought was Oh shit, I gotta be quiet when I'm getting ready today, I don't want Drexler to wake up cause then I'll have to talk to him. Fuck, is he annoying.
Clyde Drexler?!? Go figure that one out, all you psychologists out there.

Hey, um, Clyde? Not really a big deal, but could you wash out the blender when you're done making your protein shake? It's kinda starting to smell. Oh, and your share of the electricity this month is $32. Yeah, just pay me when you get a chance. What? Oh, the party tonight? Ummm, it's kinda like one of those deals, like...it's not really MY party, you know? I don't know if it's really, like, one of those things where I can just show up with random people. It's not even a party, really, it's more of a get-together. Haha, it'll probably suck anyway. You won't be missing much. I'm sor--oh yeah, definitely, Halo 3 online tournament tonight, sounds awesome. Yeah, that's true, you probably wouldn't have time for that party anyway. All right, dude, have fun....I'll, uhhh...I'll catch you later, Glide.