Only five days into our new location, and I already had my first KU player sighting when Lane spotted Brandon Rush at the grocery store last night. That was fast.
Last weekend, right before we moved, we went to Minot for Anthony Weisser and Erica Larson's wedding. It was a perfect send-off, as I got to see a lot of people from all over the country one last time. We also had the whole cast reunited (besides Schneweis) from our infamous Minot trip from 2004, when the Mighty Ducks fake names were born.
This wedding dance went about how someone who knew this group of friends would expect it to go. The highlight came towards the end of the night when Eickman's woman requested Whoomp! There It Is for St. Aubyn and I. For those who don't know, this is the song we have made famous karaoke-style everywhere from Grand Forks from Indianapolis. As we headed for the dance floor, Deuce pointed out that the microphone used during best man/maid of honor speeches was right behind us, and still on. I'll let you figure out where this story is going. To be honest, last night was a bit rough, and I just don't have the creative juices to properly retell the stories from that night, so I'll just put up pictures instead.

Is that St. Aubyn and I, or D.C. the Brain Supreme and Steve Roll'n?
Apparently we had quite a cheering section.
Of course, once everyone else learned there was a microphone available, Austin, T. Nels, Kuntz, and everyone else wanted in on the action. I believe right here we are singing "Afternoon Delight."

...and all this, of course, led to the inevitable taking away of the microphone by Anthony and Erica.

Here are Alex, Chelsey, Smapes, and Kristen. This must have been early on in the night because our table is not yet completely covered by drinks.

Deuce, me, St. Aubyn, and Kuntz. Somewhere along the ride we decided it would be funny if we all popped our collars. Ha. Ha. Ha. Kuntz may or may not be shitting his pants when this was taken.