Very quickly, some things I love about Lawrence so far:
- Speed limits. Much faster here than in Grand Forks. Roads that would be 30 in G.F. are 40 here. There are a couple of spots where it is 45 here. In G.F., you basically have to be out of town before you can drive 45 legally. Awesome.
- Prices. I always thought G.F. was cheap, and it is, but after experiencing dollar beers, 35 cent wings, 4 dollar pizza buffets, and 16 dollar 30-packs of Miller Lite in my first week, I realized that Lawrence is probably even cheaper.
- Less unnecessary stoplights. Self-explanatory.
- Downtown. Tons of restaurants and bars, and I might even start getting into the live music scene.
- The Phog. Getting to drive by the Phog once or twice a day while picking up or dropping off Alex is much better than driving by the Ralph. Not to take anything away from the Ralph, which is arguably the nicest arena in the country, but it just doesn't do it for me like The Phog does.
Although I would be remiss if I didn't say that the no drinking rule at the softball complex is horrible. Just horrible. That's taking away roughly 60% of the fun out of softball. Also, I am not a fan of street names changing for no apparent reason. 15th Street becomes Bob Billings; 23rd becomes Clinton Parkway; 31st wraps around and becomes Kasold. Could do without that. But I'm splitting hairs.