Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My Weekend In Three Pictures

I only missed one day of work for this trip, but I'm so buried upon my return that it feels like I missed a week. Plus I'm still tired and a tiny bit hungover from all the festivities. PLUS I ate leftover pizza and a giant-ass piece of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting in the same meal today so now I feel like shit. Add it all together, and I can't justify spending more than six minutes writing this post, when I have more important things to do, like work late/puke/die. Enjoy!

Robert Randolph was awesome as always- as was the food

Finally, they performed 'I Need More Love' during their encore, so I can no longer complain that I've never heard my favorite tune live. The Family Band is also coming back to Lawrence in November. I'll see you there.

(Side note: Yes, I wore a Robert Randolph shirt to a Robert Randolph concert. I knew I was being That Guy, and knew that somebody would blow me up on Facebook once Teens posted that picture (it ended up being Alfonso) and I accepted it as so. You don't get off the hook when you decide to be That Guy, and I wouldn't expect to. Here's my question that I genuinely don't understand: Why is it a social faux pas to represent your band at a concert? When people go to a sporting event, the majority of them are wearing at least one piece of clothing representing one of the participants. When I go to a KU game, I wear KU gear. When I go to a Red Sox game, I wear Red Sox gear. When I go to a high school girls volleyball game, I wear sweatpants so it's easier to rub one out from my hiding spot underneath the bleachers. So why is it such a bad move to wear the band's shirt when you're at their concert? Maybe I don't follow that rule because I don't get it.)

BroMo hooked us UP at the Cardinals game

We paid 0 dollars and 0 cents for these baller seats. And how gorgeous is the view of downtown St. Louis and the Arch? It was my first time at Busch Stadium, and I was very, very impressed with it. Hell of a ballyard.

Hey bro, check out my awesome shot on Golden Tee

That's a tap-in for Albatross, son! One of the best shots I've hit in my entire life, no question. However, please ignore the fact that I'm only -2 through seven holes. I like the old school Golden Tee more; it's as we like to call it, "Golden Tee in its purest form", but it's so much different. It's like the difference between the original Super Mario Brothers and Mario 64 or something.

If you asked me what the only negative to owning a 2005 Golden Tee in the basement is, I would say it's that I'm not very good at the newer Golden Tee in the bars anymore, since I'm completely acclimated to the old machine again. If you asked Teens what the only negative to owning a 2005 Golden Tee in the basement is, she would say that it's being kept awake while the boys are downstairs pounding the trackball and yelling late into the night; or that I chew a lot more now; or that she can tell I'm pretending to listen to her story but really I'm debating whether or not I can muscle a 7-iron into this 17mph wind on #12 at Crawdad Swamp; and she would try to keep listing things but then I would cut in and say "I'm a grown-ass man, OK? I am a grown-ass man and I will play Golden Tee whenever I want! Also, what do you think about trying to shape an A-1 6-iron around this corner? Think it'll clear the water?"