Friday, June 7, 2013

Uh Oh! Guess What Day It Is!

Simply put, this is one of my favorite commercials of all time.  I'm not going to say anything else, since sometimes I have a problem with hyping things up too much.  Normally I would talk about how everything about this is great; the voice, and delivery, the writing. Maybe I'd talk about how it's as close to comedic perfection as I've ever seen in a commercial, or maybe go on and on about how it's only a 30-second commercial, but I already have like six different favorite lines, and then describe why I love each of those lines....but I'm not going to do any of that.  If you watched it and ended up only *kinda* liking it...I just couldn't live with that disappointment.

However, I will say that thanks to this commercial, you do NOT want to be my co-worker on Wednesdays anymore.  I am going to be super annoying next Wednesday, and every Wednesday, for the rest of the Wednesdays of my life. 

(This is where one of my co-workers would chime in "You mean MORE annoying than you already are?"  And in turn, I would respond "HUMP DAYYYYYYY!!!)