A couple weeks ago I saw a preview for The Hangover 2, and so I had this whole rant written out about how the sequel couldn't possibly be any more similar to the first movie, that they were just taking the exact same plot and tweaking minor details, and how I STILL don't understand how that movie made a kajillion dollars and is everybody's funniest movie of the decade. But then I saw this article on Cracked (scroll down to #2 on the list) and they spell out the ridiculous similarities much, much better. Plus my post just sounded a little too bitter, a little too much like the guy who got his cereal bowl pissed in that morning. Whatever, I guess people just love that movie and I have to accept it-- even though it's clearly only a 6.5 on the Funny Scale, maybe a 7 if I've had a couple frosties.
Things that start out disastrously, you think might turn out OK, but end up definitely sucking: when you pull up to the Taco Bell drive thru minutes after it closes, you ask if there's any possible way they could whip up a couple of beefy crunch burritos, they say no even after you offer them 5 bucks for just one of them, they respond that they have some leftover empanadas that they'll give you for free....and it turns out that empanadas are really just like miniature apple pies from Mexico. Not very tasty after a night of boozing. I was inconsolable for days afterwards (actually I'm still not completely over it, to be perfectly honest with you.)
Tonight we leave for North Dakota for the much-anticipated wedding of Alfonso and Katie. This is my excited face. My bromance with Alfonso blossomed when we hung out through our respective ex-girlfriends about six years ago. I have been friends with Katie since about 4th grade (somehow our friendship survived when her and Bergman "dated" in 6th grade, and he thought I was flirting with her, but really I had a crush on her twin sister-- a fact that gets debated amongst the sisters and I almost every time we hang out. Trust me, it was 6th grade, not 5th. I would know, they were my elementary school feelings!) The day I found out that Alfonso and Katie had started dating each other, and I could re-ignite my bromance with Alfonso once again, was a truly great one. I think we were in Joe Black's at the time, and I may or may not have done a victory lap around the bar. Congrats to the happy couple.