That last top 5 list I made was a complete failure. Forgetting What About Brian is inexusable. I have no idea why I didn't think of it.....alcohol's a hell of a drug.
So as penance to a wonderful show, I am dedicating an entire post to it, instead of it being part of a list. The reasons why What About Brian is my favorite show that got cancelled too soon:
1. The eye candy. Unparalleled in network TV. In the main cast, you had Sarah Lancaster (from Saved by the Bell: The New Class) looking diabolically hot as a brunette, and Amanda Detmer (the nun in Saving Silverman) looking mildly saucy as well. Then, the guest stars. Season 1 featured Marguerite Moreau (Wet Hot American Summer, The O.C., Connie from the Mighty Ducks, and she's probably on my Mount Rushmore of all-time crushes.) In Season 2, the incomparable Tiffani Thiesen shows up, as well as Stacy Keibler, Rachel Lefevre, and Krista Allen (commence googling now.)
2. The theme song. If this little gem doesn't get stuck in your head for the next 10-14 days immediately upon listening to it, then you're a better man than I. "Calling all friends, people I met on the way down....."
3. The plot. Few shows ran through ridiculous plots in a short time frame like What About Brian did. My personal favorite one was Adam getting left at the altar, then immediately turning around and marrying a stripper in Vegas- apparently they shared quite a connection during the lap dance at his bachelor party. Take that, Marjorie, you bitch! I'm so over you!
4. The memories. This show gets a bump because of the good times we had watching it at Culligan Manor. While Horp was living on our couch and we were employing the dual-TV living room, there was normally a 97% chance that sports were playing on both TV's....except for What About Brian nights. Every one of us fell for that show hook, line, and sinker. Good times.
5. Barry Watson playing the lead role of Brian. I'm not saying he's the worst actor of all time....but I'm not saying he isn't.