It also reminds me of when I was 14 years old, bussing tables at Perkins, and one of my fellow busboys, one of the biggest wannabe gangstas in Grand Forks history, used to say things on payday like "Yo, like my man Puff Daddy would say- Mo' money mo' problems." Some of his other gems included "My daddy always taught me, stay low and keep firing" and "Elijah Muhammad once said (pause for effect): WE have a duty, as buspeople, to stick together. That's the only way we gonna come up." He also used to pantomime shooting a gun at our boss (who also happened to be his aunt) when she would turn her back to us, and everytime a cop car drove by with its lights on, he would either flop under a table or sprint to the kitchen, because, as he would put it, "Oh shit, they be comin' for me yo, they be comin' for me!" Also, every time a group of hot girls came in to eat, he would go into his 'pimp walk' where he would take one normal step, then drop his shoulder and literally drag his back foot behind him.....which I guess was supposed to make him look cool while he was simultaneously pushing a fucking buscart in front of him.
On the other hand, he did introduce me to the Wu-Tang Clan, and taught me cool slang like H.N.I.C. (Head Nigga in Charge).....so it's probably a wash.
Some days I miss being 14 years old more than others.