Graduation is a time to celebrate the turning of a page in the book of your life. Nay, not just a new page, but a new chapter. Or if it's, like, one of those books that has both chapters and sections, then it would definitely be a new section. Or maybe it's, like, one of those books that have books within them, even though it's really just a new chapter- like BOOK IV: SPLINTER OF THE MIND'S know, I've never liked those books, they always seem so pretentious. What kind of pompous asshole has books within a book, anyway? Just give me the old Goosebumps books that had 46 chapters that were like a page and a half each, and every other chapter ended with "I opened my mouth to scream, but no sound came out".....anyway, you get the idea. Graduation is all these things, rolled up into one emotional day.
...if you're anything like Noles and I back in 2006, it's a time to kick back with a few morning beers, turn on the graduation ceremony on local channel 6, and laugh at all the suckers who decided to actually attend their own graduation. Shortly after it begins, you decide that maybe your parents would appreciate some photographs to remember this momentous occasion- you know, since they're not there in person. So you throw on some of your finest clothes, ask Horp to represent President Kupchella, wait until your name WOULD'VE been called in alphabetical order as they're announcing the School of Accounting, and walk across the "stage" and accept your "diploma" while Fundy watches, shakes his head, and calls you "idiots."
President Horpchella and I

President Horpchella and Noles

Shockingly, neither of us have seen any of these pictures framed in our mom's office, which is a little disappointing. It's a slap in the face, frankly.
So congratulations to Alex and all you other grads, be it grad school, undergrad, high school....and let's not forget Michael Vick is graduating soon from a federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison to a halfway house.
Two dudes who wouldn't fare so well in a federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison.