Tomorrow our office is closed, so it's my own personal Shomer Shabbos, aka Peter Gibbons' Day, where I will do absolutely nothing all day long. The only decisions I'll make all day will be whether I get Sonic or Chipotle for lunch (who am I kidding, probably both) and which of the Star Wars movies I should watch (who am I kidding, probably all 6.)
Then on Friday I will celebrate with a few cocktails. By "a few" I mean "enough to bring down a small-to-medium sized Argentinian family." I plan on having a beer in my hand at 5:06 pm (5:03 pm if I hit all the lights on my way home) then getting Winnie the Pooh-drunk** and sleeping as late as humanly possible on Saturday. I don't think that 1 pm is out of the question. In fact, I'll be angry if I'm out of bed before noon. We'll put the over/under at 12:23.
**Winnie the Pooh drunk: getting so drunk that by the end of the night, I'm wearing a t-shirt and nothing else, and I'm elbows-deep in a jar of honey (or in my case, some spicy queso dip.)

Holler at your boy when you see him in the street.