Travis Releford is a basketball player at KU who hasn't been getting much playing time, and his Facebook status said something to the effect of 'hard work is gonna pay off' or something. Then people started commenting on his status, and a turf war over Releford's profile broke out. I cut and pasted for your enjoyment. Sometimes this blog just writes itself.
Martez Lsnhooper Artis at 10:20pm December 14
dont u go to ku
Chris Bol at 10:22pm December 14
umm idk since his profile pic is him wit a ku jersey?
Martez Lsnhooper Artis at 10:23pm December 14
u tryna be smart ass i didnt look at his profile
Chris Bol at 10:24pm December 14
umm maybe u should then u would know smartass
Martez Lsnhooper Artis at 10:25pm December 14
yeah ok trick
Chris Bol at 10:26pm December 14
ok then bitchassnigga
Martez Lsnhooper Artis at 10:26pm December 14
yeah uo mama
Chris Bol at 10:27pm December 14
ight then nigga were u at muh fucka!
Martez Lsnhooper Artis at 10:27pm December 14
haha nigga i aint stupid
Chris Bol at 10:28pm December 14
yea caus if u smart u not not to talk to me like that...imka fuckin beast
Martez Lsnhooper Artis at 10:30pm December 14
yeah ok nigga ...u talk shit ta me ima talk it rite back
Chris Bol at 10:31pm December 14
nigga WE GO HARD!!!!!
Martez Lsnhooper Artis at 10:32pm December 14
Chris Bol at 10:33pm December 14
nigga u sound like a girl get ure game up.....????????????????????
Martez Lsnhooper Artis at 10:36pm December 14
ok nigga im done argruin with uo bitch ass.. is time ta grow up do u can add comments im done
Chris Bol at 10:36pm December 14
ok cya bitch
Jim Hammen at 10:43pm December 14
ohhhhh snaps! you just got served Martez! call the burn center, dawg!
Nah I'm just kidding I didn't add that. I should've though. cuz if dey smart dey best not talk to me like dat....imka fuckin beast, muh fuckas.