-- A little while ago, I received my Christmas/Birthday present from Alex: a piece of the court from last year's Final Four. I was so excited I didn't know where to put it. I wanted it in the Fortress of Solitude, so I could stare at it there. I wanted it at work, so I could stare at it there. Eventually I decided on the living room, where it makes a great conversation piece. As in, every single piece of conversation in that room will now revolve around it:
Random Person X: So, Jim, how have you been?
* my eyes are constantly darting over to the piece of the court. A shit-eating grin is plastered on my face*
Me: Oh pretty good...can't complain...how are you?
*I begin rocking back and forth on the couch, biting my fingernails in excitement*
Random Person X: Oh, good, you know...I actua-
Me: That's great. Hey! Did you see that block of hardwood over there? It's part of the actual court used during the Final Four last year. Yeah, right here in my living room. No big deal, really....what were you about to say?
Annnnnnd scene.
-- I'm usually a big believer in not getting my hopes up for things, and I normally cling to the worst-case scenario until the last possible moment (beautiful example: when KU went up 40-12 on North Carolina in the Final 4 last year, and the entire bar was going bananas, I was standing on the rungs of a stool facing the crowd, screaming and motioning for everybody to settle down- literally angry that people were celebrating like the game was over. I have problems.) But you know what, screw it: I am absolutely giddy at the thought of the Red Sox signing Mark Teixeira. He's always been one of my favorite random players. He's in his absolute prime. He has a good attitude, good clubhouse character, just an all-around good guy. I guess it's pretty safe to say I'm a little bit gay for Mark Teixeira. Just a little bit, though.

His eyes are like brown diamonds.
-- This Sunday, suppose you're in the same situation I am. Your fantasy team missed the playoffs (thank you Domenik Hixon for dropping a wide open 85 yard TD pass; and thank you DeSean Jackson for throwing the ball in celebration BEFORE you crossed the goal line. Without those two plays, I win my division. Oh well, I can't bitch, everyone's got their own tough-luck stories, plus I'm in my championship grace period.) Your real life team is pretty much locked into their playoff or non-playoff position (Tennessee has already clinched a first-round bye, home field throughout the playoffs is close.) You're looking for a little something extra, to give your Sunday on the couch watching football a little pizzazz. A little something to hold your interest. And I'm here to give it to you.
I had so much fun gambling on every single baseball game on the board one day in Vegas, that we decided to do it again. We've got money involved in every NFL game this weekend. So if you'd like to see us win money, join along in cheering for these teams to cover the spread. If you're kind of a jerk, and you'd like to see us lose money (Lane, Dunph, Jon-Jon....I'm looking in your direction) then cheer against these teams. Either way, if you're bored and surfing the internet while watching football on Sunday, you can click over here and check to see how we're doing. We took a push in last night's Bears/Saints game, so we're off to a rollicking 0-0-1 start.
Packers (-2.5) over Jaguars
Lions (+17.5) over Colts
Redskins (-7.5) over Bengals
Seahawks (-2.5) over Rams
Falcons (-3) over Buccaneers
49ers (+6.5) over Dolphins
Jets (-7) over Bills
Chiefs (+6.5) over Chargers
Titans (-4) over Texans
Broncos (+7.5) over Panthers
Steelers (+2) over Ravens
Cardinals (-3) over Vikings
Patriots (-8.5) over Raiders
Giants (+3) over Cowboys
Browns (+14) over Eagles (Monday night)
Happy Friday.