Sorry no posts for a while; I was in the hospital recovering from injuries suffered when the Dolphins bandwagon I was driving crashed into a telephone pole. Daunte Culpepper, you made up that weird celebration that doubles as a traveling or false start call, you made me look like an idiot, and you tried your hardest to kill my fantasy team, which has survived anyway. Fuck you, Daunte Culpepper.
Other random thoughts:
The Departed is my new favorite movie of all-time, surpassing Goodfellas. I have seen it 3 times already, and as soon as someone else asks me to go, I will have seen it 4 times.
The O.C. season 3 on DVD came out a couple days ago, and it was quickly elected into the Hall of Fame of "Things That A 23 Year Old Studying For His CPA Test Probably Shouldn't Spend So Much Time On." Guitar Hero is there, and Madden is a charter member.
It's funny that this Cardinal team, the one that barely made the playoffs, has a brutal pitching staff beyond Chris Carpenter, has no real closer, and features a lineup with an average barely over .200 in the playoffs is probably gonna win the World Series, not the Cardinal teams from the last few years that won 100 games and had stacked lineups and decent pitching.
Maybe too soon to joke about this, but when I read the story about Daric Frans walking down the street brandishing an assualt rifle, all I could think about was the drugs video Mike McFarlane made in high school, where in one of the scenes Mike Opp is strutting along to the sounds of Eric Clapton with a rifle on his shoulder until he is pushed into a snowbank and flipped off.
I purchased a soothing sounds alarm clock at a special price through my credit card (apparently since I'm such a valued customer) looking forward to waking up to some tropical rain forest monkeys, babbling brooks, foghorns, seabirds, thunderstorms, etc. etc. However, to my dismay, I found I can only fall asleep to those sounds. To wake me up, all I have are clanging train whistles, annoying wind chimes, and-get this-alarm clock sounds!!! Get fuckin' serious. I want my $9.97 back. I might as well wake up to the soothing sounds of Daunte Culpepper.