Sunday, May 26, 2013

There's Always Money In The Banana Stand

Happy Arrested Development Day!  It's been seven long years since one of the funniest shows in history was on the air (on my personal list, it's either my all-time favorite, or second favorite, depending on how I feel about It's Always Sunny that day) and now it's back for a new season on Netflix and probably a movie.  If you've never seen it before, you pretty much should just drop what you're doing, right now, and go start watching it.  Along with The Wire, it's the only other show that I would personally guarantee that you love-- and I don't even know who 'you' are right now, gentle reader.  That's just a blanket guarantee for all human beings.

I was going to try and do a top 5 favorite moments from the show's first three seasons, but that's basically impossible.  I make lists for EVERYTHING, and I still have literally no idea how I would sort out my favorite moments from this show.  So here's a bunch of screencaps and youtube clips that I think are awesome:

The running joke of Gob constantly lying about how expensive his suit is. 

Every family member having their own stupid chicken dance.  Even if you've never even heard of Arrested Development, you've probably seen somebody doing their impression of Gob's impression of a chicken.

Every time a character is sad and they play the Charlie Brown music and have them do the Charlie Brown Sad Walk (this compilation is from multiple episodes).

The subplot of Gob alternately embracing and denying Steve Holt as his son.

Tobias' constant inability to phrase things without making them sound sexual (and Michael, in that perfectly Jason Bateman-y way, trying to call him out on it).  Kind of a series of "That's what she said" jokes before there was a "That's what she said."

Arrested Development is also probably the smartest comedy I've ever watched.  The constant wordplay is so genius it's practically exhausting.  Even the throwaway jokes have some sort of meaning behind them.  Watching every episode once isn't even close to enough.  Even after watching them multiple times, I'm probably missing a bunch of jokes and not even realizing it, as evidenced by this article and this one.  (Those are must-reads for AD die-hards, but if this poorly written blog post is somehow convincing anybody out there to start watching this show, stay away from those links, they have spoilers).

That's about all I can do to recommend Arrested Development, friends.  Like the guy in the $6,800 suit is gonna spend any more of his valuable time trying to convince people to watch one of the funniest shows ever.  COME ON!