Thursday, October 11, 2012

Really? This Guy?

I got an email from my old roommate Jillian the other day with this video and the simple line: "This video makes me think of you! :) miss ya"

Now, ignoring for a moment that this video is kinda hilarious, and that this actually happened on some town's evening news, and that I can't imagine my reaction if I was a resident of that town and had watched it live.....

What?!?!  THIS is what I remind you of?  I know I can be a goofy bastard sometimes, and my love for the Ghostbusters theme is well documented, but damn.  I'm pretty sure I've never rocked the classic pumpkin mask and black spandex combo, and I THOUGHT I had better dance moves than that.  I think it was worse because she didn't even try to play it off as busting my balls or anything like that.  Just straight up honesty; this video really did make her think of me.  Congrats on your Backhanded Compliment of the Year Award, Jillian.

Side note:  I've played this video for five people now, and all five have either cried laughing, or come extremely close.  So if you don't laugh at this're a racist.

UPDATE:  I've been told that the embedding isn't working for some people, so if it doesn't, here's the link: