So typically, she almost immediately started receiving calls and texts from wrong numbers. Apparently the previous owner, 'Andrea', didn't tell a single soul that she got a new number, and my mom dealt with the consequences. So after weeks of that mess, she went and got her number changed. The problem, of course, was not solved. She has now been getting hit with a barrage of new wrong number calls and texts all over again, with most of them sounding like they belong to 'Jon.' Only now these communications are smothered with a hot greasy layer of disrespect. Like after receiving a "Happy Birthday, Bro" text, my mom will politely respond that they texted the wrong number, and then she gets a "sorry about that, loser" answer back. And then he continues to text 'Jon' like he wasn't just told it was the wrong number.

So clearly I can't let this disrespect of my mom stand. We're talking about unchecked aggression here, dude. I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand, dude. Across this line, you DO NOT....sorry went into Walter Sobchak mode there. Anyway, I got this guy's number from my mom, and now I'm going to be throwing some phone shenanigans his way. I hope he has his glove oiled up and broken in.
If you'd like to join in, his number is 701-368-9196. Let's use the power of the internet for good here. Maybe he stops screwing around with his cellular telephone after he gets a taste of the proverbial medicine.
Remember, this could be your mom we're talking about here.