Hey, have you heard of Jimmer Fredette? He's pretty good at basketball, and has probably the most baller white-kid name of all time. He started making a name for himself last last year, and now he's completely blown up, as evidenced by 1) his general media coverage, and 2) how many people have started calling me Jimmer. It was only like one guy who started last spring during March Madness...now I get multiple Jimmer-related text messages every time he has a big game. It's easy to see why everyone is falling for him, too. His name is awesome, he goes to a mormon school, his brother is apparently a "rapper", he's the best shooter in college basketball since JJ Redick, and the most fun offensive player to watch since Adam Morrison (although I'll listen to arguments on Stephen Curry.)
Also, at the end of the BYU/San Diego St. game last week, when Jimmer was done dropping 43 points, the crowd started chanting "You got Jimmered!" clap clap clapclapclap. And if you don't think I'm gonna start using that phrase in my every day life....you are mistaken. I feel that the following scenarios are all appropriate times for me to exclaim "You got Jimmered!"
1. After being intimate with a ladyfriend. Or your mom.
2. After crushing a lunch buffet. (Last Friday's final total: 5 burritos, 4 cheese & onion enchiladas, two helpings of potatoes, and a chorizo & eggs burrito.)
3. After posting another 56-10 win in Super Tecmo Bowl. (Ricky Watters' stats through 6 games in my season: 4,671 yards, 45 TD's.)
4. In the couple seconds of confused silence after the Sandbar pulls the plug on the jukebox in the middle of 'Circle of Life'. Although in my defense, if you don't want that song (or 'Hakuna Matata' or 'Can You Feel the Love Tonight?' played, maybe you should take the soundtrack out of the jukebox.
In any event, I never thought that a nickname that my mostly redneck side of the family in Baltimore called me when I was a young'n would ever become a verb chanted by a Division I college basketball crowd...but then again, not all surpises are bad.