>> It's been well documented that my friends are dicks. No real surprises there. Currently, Jud and Lane are spearheading a crusade to fill up my Facebook wall with messages implying that something is seriously wrong with my health- because they think it's funny when people take those seriously and comment with things like ''OMG! Are you OK? What happened?'' And even though virtually nobody is joining in on the joke, they haven't given up yet. Just the latest example in a long line of dickish moves.
So when I received a package in the mail from Morley the other day, I was instantly skeptical. I was still a bit wary from the last time I received a package from a friend, and my roommate and I spent a solid ten minutes analyzing the box, trying to determine if it was an Ice or some other kind of prank. When I opened it and saw it was a framed picture of us at the Chiefs game from when he and Fundy visited in September, I was just like "Oh. That's unexpected."
Moral of the story: if I'm surprised when a friend gives me an actual present in the mail, it might be time for new friends.
Later Skaters. Have a good weekend. Free Selby!