{OK, quick side note before the non-Star Wars fans can leave: what is going on with these fake Facebook accounts that just friend you to get access to your information? I thought we were moving in a good direction when they were at least using pictures of hot and/or stacked girls as their profile pictures (paging Leigh Stern) but the other day, I got a friend request from a girl named Vqrecd Xq. I mean, that's just lazy. C'mon viral hackers! I accepted the friend request just so I could light them up with a profanity-laced tirade on their wall about how weak sauce the fake name was....then I got defriended minutes after said tirade. Awesome. End side note.}

OK now that we've got all the Star Wars nerds in the house together, we can proceed.
When the Star Wars prequels were released starting in 1999, George Lucas took a lot of (well deserved) crap for creating a ton of plot holes with the original movies. I've watched the movies enough times, read enough Star Wars message boards, and listened to enough conspiracy theorists to know that Lucas didn't think things all the way through when he was shamelessly plugging characters from the original trilogy into the prequels, just for the sake of doing it. The scene where Yoda thanks Chewbacca by name in Episode III is cringe-worthy, it's so blatant. ("Thank you.....(pause, wait for it, wait for iiiiiit).......Chewbacca." Whammo! I remember him, he was Han Solo's buddy in the old movies! Yeaaaahhhhh! C'mon, George. Give us a little credit here.
But I digress.
I recently read this article by a Star Wars fan who has an amazing theory that both helps to plug some of the more obvious plot holes, as well as tie together the prequels with Episode IV. In a nutshell, his theory is that Chewie and R2D2 were top field agents for the Rebel Alliance. I won't go into any more detail- I'll just say it's one of the more fascinating things I've read lately, and now I can't wait to watch Episode IV for the 300th time, now that I have this new knowledge in my brain. So enjoy, fellow Star Wars nerds. May the Force be with you.