Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving List Of Enjoyment

10. Mom's home-cooked fried chicken and mashed potatoes and gravy

9. Myshawn: "We need the dealer to have a courageous bust right here!"

8a. Mocking my dad at Thanksgiving dinner by sporting his favorite around-the-house outfit: the always lethal polo shirt/track pants combo. Hey, sometimes you want to look like you just got done golfing AND running pregame layup lines at a 7th-grade basketball game at the same time. Why should it have to be one or the other?

8b. Mocking my dad at Thanksgiving dinner by taking bets on when he would push back his chair, set his napkin on his plate, and compliment the dinner by uttering the now-infamous line "Another triumph, my dear!" When Brother hit it on the exact minute (2:08) it brought the house down.

7. Meeting friends' new ladyfriends/boyfriends/fiancees

6. Boozing at Charlie Brown's and seeing the same 50-year-old regulars, still in their exact same spots from 4 years ago

5. Popolino's pizza

4. Hungover grinders and cheese tostadas at Red Pepper

3. Brother's straight-faced quote: "My childhood would have been so much better if you and Nate would've switched families like 20 years ago. Then you and Lee could've just annoyed the shit out of each other all day and Nate and I could've left each other alone."

2. Charitable gaming (exclamation point exclamation point exclamation point)

1. Thanksgiving dinner/dessert/football/aftermath