--Hansbrough loves the show Law & Order, but gets frustrated because "It never seems to be on television very often...do I need to order a special cable package to get it?"
--When The Sixth Sense first came out, Hansbrough claimed that he knew Bruce Willis was a ghost just from the previews.
--Hansbrough refuses to eat a PB&J unless someone cuts the crusts off for him.
--When Hansbrough was a minor, he partied a lot, so he would ask his older friends to buy him beer every weekend. Now that he's 21, when his younger friends ask him to buy for them, he always says no because he doesn't want to get caught contributing to minors.
--Hansbrough thinks that Saved by the Bell: The New Class was better than the original.
--Every year on December 8th, Hansbrough refuses to go out or do anything, because that is the exact date that his 4th grade girlfriend broke up with him in front of everybody, and he still isn't over it. He just sits in his bedroom all night and pigs out on ice cream, because he deserves it.
--Hansbrough double-dips his potato chips when he's sharing the bowl of salsa with others.
--Hansbrough makes appearances at children's hospitals during the holidays, but he just uses it for an opportunity to tell little kids that Santa isn't real. He still remembers that fateful day in 10th grade when he found out Santa was fake, and he is still bitter about it.
--Hansbrough stands too close to the front of the driving range, so every few shots, he hits the divider rope with his follow through and distracts everyone else on the range.
--Hansbrough tells his dentist that he has been flossing regularly. He hasn't been.
--When Hansbrough plays darts, he's not very good at hitting bullseyes, but he's great at hitting 17s, so he tells everyone that he read in a magazine that, statistically speaking, hitting 17s are actually more important than hitting bullseyes.
--Hansbrough tries to start conversations with people on the subway when they have their headphones in.
--When Hansbrough is picking songs on the jukebox, he always picks the longest songs they have. He doesn't necessarily like "In-A-Godd-Da-Vida" or "I Would Do Anything For Love"; he just wants to be in control of the music selection for as long as possible without spending more than $2.50.
--Hansbrough bought some of those magnetic letters that little kids use to spell things on the fridge. Every Monday morning he spells out a new message like "put food in me im hungry" and gets mad when his roommates mess up the letters on accident.