Monday, July 14, 2008

I'm Not Your Buddy, Guy

Whenever I talk about my favorite shows of all time, I never really mention South Park. It always kind of gets swept under the rug, I'm not sure why. If you listed the 10 times I've laughed the hardest in my life (there is no grammatically pleasing way to type that. I retyped that sentence like 7 times and that's the best I could do) then South Park is probably responsible for at least 6 of them. I saw the episode where Canada goes on strike recently, and a couple scenes made me cry I was laughing so hard.

I always start my day off with some funny clip off of youtube or something, and I was getting tired of clicking through links to find this somewhat obscure clip, so I'm linking it here so it's easy to get to. This is as much for me as it is for you.

I'm not your friend, buddy!

Posting a link to something else is about all the creativity I can muster up today. I wish my life had an all-star break, I could use one.