Happy Brother's Day! I made this holiday up when I was a senior in high school, bored in class, and looking for another way to annoy my little brother, which I've always excelled at. He is not what you would call a morning person, and I'm relatively cheery when I wake up, so breakfast was always primetime for me to piss him off. If I had a dollar for every time he told me "shut the fuck up and leave me alone for once" over bowls of Corn Chex, I'd be a rich dude. We're basically polar opposites except for our sense of humor, which is exactly the same. Not many people can make me laugh as hard as he can. He enjoys wearing bowlings shirts and pierced his ear; I made fun of both things basically my entire childhood. He is a regular North Dakotan, hunting and fishing and whatnot; I decided after about 9 minutes of hunting that I hated it and never went again. He has been able to fix cars and that kind of thing since he was like 12; coincidentally, I have about the same working knowledge of cars as a 12 year old. I got busted drinking shortly before moving out for my freshman year of college, and got freaked on by my parents; when I came home for a Sunday dinner just a few weeks later, I discovered that my then-16 year old bro was keeping his beer in the family fridge upstairs.
My intro to accounting class was always down for some shenanigans too, and with our combined power and influence we were hoping for Brother's Day to really catch on and sweep the nation; alas, this has not been the case. But still I soldier on and try and celebrate this holiday every year by sending my bro annoying texts all day, making him a cheesy card, either buying him a case of beer or re-gifting something of mine that I know he wants, and awaiting a gift from him that I know is not coming (it's been 8 years now and I'm still waiting for my first reciprocated Brother's Day gift.)
Here is an uncomfortably intimate picture of Brother (on the right) and Noles' little brother:

Everybody out there with a brother, today is the day to tell them how much you love them.