Relax, don't worry about the 45-year-old wearing camo pants and army boots who hits the floor every time there is a loud noise, or the 75-year-old gentleman in the purple sweatshirt and purple sweatpants hoisting up half-courters, or the three Renaissance Era jugglers tossing bowling pins to each other just a few feet away from the main's all just a part of the family-like atmosphere you'll enjoy here at the Lawrence Community Recreational Center. When we say "Open Gym", we MEAN IT!

Don't laugh, this kid was my teammate in 2-on-2 and we held the court for like 7 games in a row. Granted, we were playing against a guy who looked and dressed like the ghost of Jacob Marley, paired with a 14-year-old pushing 300 pounds...but either way, that little bastard can shoot.
It's Friday afternoon, my head is overflowing with numbers, it's time to get special-sauced and watch college basketball all weekend. Holler at your boy when you see him in the street.