Just saw something outside my window that was pretty sweet: a guy who couldn't turn left when he was walking, so he did the little mini-spin that Zoolander does. I'm not trying to laugh AT the guy, don't get me wrong, because I'm pretty sure that he was at least partially handicapped. I was just laughing in more of a "That's awesome!" kind of way. I've got respect for the guy. Big ups, dawg. Big ups.
Have you ever tried not turning left for an extended period of time? It's tougher than you would think. I try and do random stuff around the office sometimes to keep things interesting, and the middle-aged ladies that I work with (I call them the MOM Squad) are usually game for it. Anyway, one day a couple months ago I told them about Zoolander and ambi-turning, and we all spent the rest of the day not turning left when we were walking around the office. It was impossible to do this without consciously thinking about it every step of the way, and by lunch we had all given up. One of those things where handicapped people are more skilled at something than us ambi-turners, I guess.
If anyone just read that post and would like the last 90 seconds of their life back, please text "orange mocha frappacino" to #6629 now!
"I can Dere-lick my own balls, thank you very much."