Chelsey is the fortunate by-product of one of St. Aubyn's ill-fated romances from a few years ago. As annoying as that relationship was (which I made pretty clear to St. Aubyn on numerous occasions at the time) we definitely can't argue with the friendships that were made as a result. I actually met Chelsey during freshman year at the Wilkerson dining center, but it was one-time thing through other people, and she doesn't even remember it. I do cause I'm creepy like that.
Chelsey's tolerance-nay, encouragement of our shenanigans is what forever endeared her to us. Another necessary skill for being friends with us that she possesses is being able to take shit. When you're walking into the lion's den known as Culligan Manor, you've gotta be able to strap on the mental hard hat and be ready to get made fun of. A lot. Chels is able to handle such hardships with a perma-smile on her face. This probably isn't that difficult for her as she is among the happiest people I know. A day when she is crabby is a dark day indeed.
After she moved to Minneapolis, our friendship didn't suffer; instead, we just took our act on the road. There she introduced us to Rocko, which we don't hold against her. Kidding Rocko. Some of my proudest moments happened while visiting Chels in the Cities. Especially the night when we went dancing and tried to get everyone to jump on different floor tiles during Billie Jean, (a la the video when they light up when Michael Jackson steps on them) then I got booted out for repeatedly turning my hat backwards. My response was to projectile vomit all over the parking lot. Good stuff. While living there, she was also my token "I've got a 6 am flight leaving out of Minneapolis, can I crash on your couch and have you take me to the airport?" person. So, definite bonus points there.
Then she got married in the summer of 2006 (giving us the best wedding of the year in the process) and moved to Chicago. We visited her and Mike there last summer and had a wonderful time. We will be back, especially since Kos now resides there, and soon Katie Z will too.
Now she started a blog and that brings us to the present day. Ladies and gentleman, Chelsey Rambow-Headrick!!!

Sweeney, me, Deuce, Chelsey and St. Aubyn at Chelsey and Mike's wedding. The night the "Thumb-diddley" was born. Little inside, I know.