The asian guy from the Cingular commercials. What a fucking toolshed this guy is. His entire life revolves around how sweet his phone is. All he does is hang around the white guy with an inferior phone. They go to sporting events; he makes fun of his phone. They go to a concert; he makes fun of his phone. They travel to fucking Europe together and the dude is still ripping on his phone! Why don't you go hang out some real friends and do something fun? Wait, you probably don't have any real friends because you're a giant douchebag who only wants to talk about your cell phone. You better just go hang out with the half-tard white guy. And to the white guy: what are doing hanging out with this asian dude? Do you have a fetish for verbal abuse? Take a look in the mirror. You can do better. Actually I'm not even positive it's a Cingular commercial cause I'm usually too angry about the asian guy.
Ice Cube. What the fuck? How bad can you sell out? At least the movies you were doing before were a little bit gangsta. Lame, but at least you were shooting people. Now we've graduated onto "Are We There Yet?" and the most recent "Are We Done Yet?" How about "Are YOU Done Yet?" This is the same guy who helped put gangsta rap on the map. He rapped about shooting police with N.

The guy at Fenway who threw his slice of pizza. French, maybe you have some inside info, but taking the replay at face value, what the fuck? Was he an Angels fan? Was the guy who muffed the foul ball an Angels fan? Was the dude pissed about the weather? Was the pizza just that bad? Was the guy just hammered and it seemed like a good idea at the time? Questions abound. In my Fenway experiences I have seen nothing close to Sox Fan-on Sox Fan crime.
Joakim Noah, Al Horford, and Corey Brewer. I know everyone hates Noah, but the more I watched Florida this year, the more I hated all of them. At first I thought it was good for college ball, that everyone came back to win another title when they could've been lottery picks. But these dudes are some cocky fucks. Horford is the one who really snuck up on me. I thought he was a pretty solid guy, until against Oregon I saw him grab a rebound, flex his muscles, glance down at them, glance up at the Oregon student section, glance back down at his muscles, and then throw an outlet pass. This was during a play! So