Before the Super Bowl Pick, I would just like everyone to know that Smokin' Aces is FAN-tastic. Jeremy Piven plays the part of a strung-out mob snitch perfectly. The number of quirky, less-than-wholesome characters is great (think Snatch.) The comic relief that isn't provided by these outlandish hitmen is provided by a smattering of dry humor (think Ocean's Eleven.) And all the craziness that goes down at the hotel is one of those scenes where, after it gets over with, you just sit there in shock for a couple minutes, then look around, shake yourself out of it, and say "what the fuck just happened?!?" (think the bank robbery scene from Heat, or to a lesser extent, the chainsaw scene from Scarface.) I thought the ending was a little weak, but The Woman loved it, so judge for yourself. But go see it.
As for the Super Bowl...I guess it's gotta be the Colts. I think the Bears have a better shot than most everyone is giving them. Great defenses ALWAYS beat great offenses, and teams that get this disrespected usually come out with some fire. However, I'm not positive that the Bears D is legitimately great anymore. Without the injuries to Mike Brown and Tommie Harris, maybe they are. But there has been a noticable decline since those two went out. Also, defenses on teams that get disrespected can come out and be fired up and dominate, but offenses that get dissed usually get dissed because they suck, and unlike on D, you can't overcome the fact that you are a shitty offense by being emotional. I don't think Peyton will steamroll them or anything, but he will put enough on the board that a Rex Grossman-led offense won't be able to match it. I think it could come down to Grossman having to make a last minute drive for the win, and there isn't a Bears fan out there that wants to rely on Grossman's arm with the Super Bowl at stake. As with every game involving the Colts so far this playoffs, I hope to be proven wrong. Watching Peyton hoist that trophy will ruin my entire weekend.
Colts 24, Bears 20.