Han Solo was unable to jump-start my car for me, so I had to take my TaunTaun to work today. Hopefully the Empire doesn't discover our rebel base here on the remote ice world of Hoth. I've mentioned that I hate North Dakota lately, right? The only plus has been people-watching everyone on The Strip who are unable to start their car, as well. This morning we had four unfortunate souls by 11 am. I feel worse for the Vilandre guy who is working on the townhomes, as he is the one who gets dragged into jumping everyone one of them, while I giggle, lean back, and take a sip of my hot chocolate.
Almost had another perfect weekend of picks, but New England/Schottenheimer had to ruin it by stepping up/choking with home field once again. I don't hate the Pats by any means, but now they better do what they do best: make Peyton Manning cry. When Tennessee doesn't make the playoffs, I only have one goal for the AFC: the Colts losing. I thought the Chargers had a better shot against the Colts than the Pats do. I know, I know, I haven't been living under a rock the last few years, I am aware that Belichick owns Dungy, but I think this year is different, even besides the fact Indy has home-field. You won't see another shitty game by Peyton against the Pats, I'm afraid. On the other side, you have to like the Saints going against the Bears D, which is suddenly getting scored on with ease. They can't blame this one on Grossman, who played just fine. However, if the weather is bad next week in Chi-town, that could change my opinion. The Saints are definitely a finesse team. I'll wait to make my picks.
To steal a line from Peter Griffin: You know what really grinds my gears? Those forwarded texties with some dumb-ass joke. They are always long, NEVER funny, and I always get them about 12 times, once everyone gets done forwarding them to everyone else. Not to mention that texties cost money on my phone plan, so I'm actually paying money to be pissed off. The absolute worst ones are when they rhyme, such as: "Money is short, times are hard, so merry christmas, here's your fuckin' christmas card." Eat a dick. Fact #1: I have never, ever laughed from one of these textie jokes. Fact #2: The aforementioned jokes have never done anything besides ruin my day for about a half an hour. Fact #3: I have now saved in my quick texts this little ditty: Hahahahaha Fuck Off, You Unoriginal Douchebag. It is reserved for whomever decides to forward me a time-consuming, money-wasting, day-ruining textie. Keep that in mind.
Border War tonight with Mizzou. The fact that KU played like shit against Iowa St. helps. Self probably laid into them pretty good, and they will be motivated to fuck somebody up tonight. Time to start playing like a top 5 team. Rock Chalk.