Working in a restaurant, the vast, vast majority of encounters I have with strangers that deserve a story are only story-worthy because of how much the aforementioned strangers suck at life. However, every once in a while I came away from one of these encounters laughing my ass off, mostly at how the person recognized the potential for a funny moment and capitalized. One of these occured today.
A man came up and paid for his food with a credit card. We usually don't i.d., but I happened to glance at the card and saw an interesting name: William Wallace. I glance at the guy, back at the card, and kind of laugh to myself. The man saw my look of disbelief and decided to take it a step further. He slammed his hand down on the counter, and in his best (or worst, depending on how you look at it) Scottish accent, exclaimed, "I AM William Wallace!!!" I think the only time a customer has made me laugh harder was when two tables of college kids sitting by one another flawlessly pulled off the C-Bass scene from Dumb & Dumber, word-for-word.
On a completely unrelated topic, after hearing Kanye West go off (again) at an awards show in Europe when he didn't win video of the year, I think personally that I am at the point where if I didn't hear Kanye talk besides in his songs, I would be totally OK with it. I don't know if I have ever had such a discrepancy between how much I like an artist's music and how much I dislike the artist as a person. I don't hate all black people (like Bush apparently does) but I sure hate you.,