It never, ever, ever gets old to watch the Yankees lose in the playoffs, and I have just finished watching this occur for the 6th year in a row. Just an amazing performance by Justin Bonderman, pretty ballsy for a 23 year old. There was also the added bonus of Gay-Rod being moved down to 8th in the lineup before the game. I don't really see how anyone can defend him in an argument anymore. To supposedly be one of the best players in the game, and be hitting 8th in an elimination game? To sum it up in one word, he is a pussy. The announcers can't say it, obviously, but that is what he is. Today I allllllmost felt bad for him after a throwing error. Almost. Just fun to watch. Next best feeling after watching the Sox win is watching the Yankees lose. Disappointing loss for the Twins, but the way the Tigers are playing right now, I don't know if they would've had a shot against them anyway. My predictions are shit right now, but whatever, the Yankees lost. I'm happy.
Coming soon: my all-time greatest video game moments. I know you're excited.