Last night I had the pleasure of watching both the Red Sox victory over the Yankees and game 1 of the NBA finals, thanks to the dual-TV action at Danny's house. The other spectators are, from left to right: Jordan, Jenna, Bergman, Ricky's little bro Jeffrey, myself, James enjoying some soon to be world famous Pizzazillla, and Maxie.
I don't think either Dallas or Miami can take much from game 1, besides my boy Jason Terry. After the 1st, Miami couldn't do a thing right, and neither Dirk nor Josh Howard ever got it going. Contrary to what Danny says, without Terry Dallas would've lost by 15-20. The Heat have to find a way to slow him down in game 2, or they are in big trouble. You can't count on Dirk and Howard to shoot 20% ever again.
The Sox were able to avoid a sweep by putting together some good late innings. After leaving tons of runners on base the first few innings, they finally broke it open in the 6th (thanks in large part to Gay Rod trying to field a hot ground ball like a 12 year old girl.) Only down a 1/2 game now, and with Sheffield out til September, I'm feeling pretty good. Not feeling so good about the starting AL all-stars, however. 4 Yanks, 3 Sox, and Vlad Guerrero. Ortiz deserves to start, as does Cano, Jeter and probably Gay Rod, but Manny and Damon are questionable, and Varitek is a downright joke to even make it, much less start. Let's stop letting the fans screw over deserving all-stars and let the league and coaches pick the teams.
I've finally been able to make my semi-comeback to Jim's World after having my tonsils out. Golf is back, and last night I enjoyed a six-pack and a pound, my first Taco John's experience in about 3 1/2 weeks. Scheduled to come off the DL next week: Happy Joe's Pizza Buffet, Softball, Fat Albert's Atomic sub, and mayyyyybe even Noonball.
A special congrats to Horp, who made the leap from "Guy on the Couch" to official tenant of Culligan Manor. However, his stay will be a short one, as he starts polluting young minds as a middle school teacher in Phoenix in August.
Anyone wanna eat some ribs in Fargo tomorrow night?