Monday, December 15, 2008


Somewhere around my 4th or 5th Gusto last Friday night, I suddenly had a realization that stopped me in my tracks and made me do quite a bit of soul searching.....I kinda like the song 'All Summer Long' by Kid Rock.

Maybe it was because I had spent the last three hours drinking in a bar where the only people under age 55 were the bartender, Jud, and myself (tons of fun by the way- I highly recommend drinking at such an establishment every once in a while.) Maybe it was because every other male in the bar (and half the females) would beat me in a contest of "Who's More Grizzled?" and subconsciously I needed to feel like more of a man. Maybe it's the fact that I could listen to a group of infants screaming and crying and running their tiny infant fingernails down a long as the piano beat from 'Werewolves of London' is playing in the background. Whatever the case, I immediately went home, ripped the sleeves off all my t-shirts, started spitting on the carpet, and smacked Alex around a little bit (but to be honest, that last one had more to do with her ruining the tuna casserole than me listening to Kid Rock.)

Needing a second (read: sober) opinion, I downloaded the song and have listened to it a few times since that night....I still kinda like it. I let it crawl into my brain and now it's in there, and it's getting comfortable. I need the 2008 Very Schneweis Christmas CD to get here quick, or else this is the rubbish I end up listening to.

Singin' Sweet Home Alabama all summer loooooooooong!